I am a serialprenur called to serve in the marketplace with the gifts of helps creativity and servant hood. I am CEO / President of Aging Out with grace Inc. a Non-profit 501c3 which serves and empower women Aging out of the foster care system. I am passionate about transforming the lives the women God has entrusted me with.
The owner of DRS transportation which transport individuals to and from the work place and day programs.
Certified professional Home stager and Redesigner and owner of Darlenes kreative Interior and Redesign LLC.

My conversion was in 10/1989. I have been serving God and in ministry for over 30 years in various capacities. On 10/5/19 I was commissioned as an Apostle to Arise and build.
I am an Apostle called to serve in the church as well as in the marketplace. I have been sent to Penetrate the darkness of this world with the light of Jesus Christ. The Lord has placed the gifts of helps, wisdom, creativity, encouragement and much more. I am sent to use these gifts that God has placed inside of me to be an agent of change. I am a living epistle known and read by all men. I am anointed to heal and deliver many from the snare of the devil. Jesus has anointed me to set the captives free. I am a willing vessel yielded for my masters use.